The Planetary Mono Mill Pulverisette 6 is designed for fine grinding of laboratory samples or solids, dry or in suspension, down to colloidal fineness.
It is also suited to mixing and perfect homogenization of emulsions or pastes as well as mechanical alloying. Max. feed particle size < 10mm, feed quantity: up to 225 ml, final fineness about 1μm.
Grinding in an inert atmosphere
Special lid – Using a special lid for the grinding bowl, material can also be ground in an inert atmosphere. The cover is fitted with an inlet and outlet valve with quick-action vent. Additional lock-system – If the grinding bowl will be filled in a glove box, the additional lock-system must be used for the transport of the full grinding bowl.
GTM System The Planetary Ball Mill Pulverisette 6 is compatible with the Gas and Pressure Temperature Measuring System – GTM. Continual monitoring of gas pressure and temperature enable thermal effects, physical and chemical reactions (pressure increase or decrease) to be monitored “in situ” in the grinding bowl. There is a radio transmitter in the lid and a receiver transfers the data to a computer.
Application: geology and mineralogy, ceramics, chemistry, biology, medicine, pharmacology and pharmaceutical research, nuclear research, materials technology, analysis preparation.